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Image Pull Secrets

Learn how to configure image pull secrets in deployKF.


You may need to configure image pull secrets in deployKF. Image pull secrets tell Kubernetes how to authenticate with a container registry when pulling images.

For example, you may want to avoid Docker Hub rate limits on public images, or use a private container registry that requires authentication.

Configure Image Pull Secrets

deployKF provides a built-in Kyverno policy to clone image-pull-secrets into every namespace, and automatically add them to the spec.imagePullSecrets field of every Pod in the cluster. See the ClusterPolicy for more details.

These steps will guide you through creating and using an image pull secret in deployKF.

Step 1 - Authenticate with Container Registry

You will need to use docker login to authenticate with your container registry.

For example, to authenticate with Docker Hub:

# login to your container registry
docker login

# review the docker config file
cat ~/.docker/config.json

Other Container Registries

For information on using docker login with other container registries, see the following documentation:

Step 2 - Create Kubernetes Secret

Next, you will need to create a Kubernetes secret from your ~/.docker/config.json file.

For example, to create a secret called my-docker-config in the argocd namespace:

kubectl create secret generic "my-docker-config" \
  --namespace "argocd" \ \

Credentials Store

If ~/.docker/config.json contains a credsStore field, you won't be able to create the secret from the file directly, see the upstream Kubernetes documentation for more details.

For example, to create a secret for with an Access Token:

kubectl create secret docker-registry "my-docker-config" \
  --namespace "argocd" \
  --docker-server="" \
  --docker-username="MY_DOCKER_USERNAME" \

For example, to create a secret for with a Personal Access Token (PAT):

kubectl create secret docker-registry "my-ghcr-config" \
  --namespace "argocd" \
  --docker-server="" \
  --docker-username="MY_GITHUB_USERNAME" \

For example, to create a secret for <region> (GCP) with a Service Account Key:

kubectl create secret docker-registry "my-gcr-config" \
  --namespace "argocd" \
  --docker-server="https://<region>" \
  --docker-username="_json_key" \
  --docker-password="$(cat ~/path/to/service-account-key.json)"
Step 3 - Configure deployKF

Finally, you will need to configure deployKF to use the new secret.

The deploykf_dependencies.kyverno.clusterPolicies.imagePullSecrets values are used to configure our Kyverno ClusterPolicy.

The following values will enable the policy and use the my-docker-config secret (from the argocd namespace):


        ## if the policy is enabled
        enabled: true

        ## a list of namespaces to exclude from this policy
        #  - "argocd"
        #  - "kube-system"

        ## a list of registry credentials
          - existingSecret: "my-docker-config"
            existingSecretNamespace: "argocd"

Exclude Namespaces

The imagePullSecrets.excludeNamespaces value will exclude namespaces from the policy.

By default, the argocd and kube-system namespaces are excluded (WARNING: if you set this key, make sure you list them, as the default values will be overridden). The kyverno namespace is always excluded, so you don't need to list it.

This value supports the following wildcards:

  • * - matches zero or many characters
  • ? - matches at least one character

Last update: 2024-04-27
Created: 2024-03-14